To be honest, I was only average in my Engineering Math subjects back in college.
Between Algebra in my first year and Advanced Mathematics in my third year, my grades averaged at 2.0 with a final grade as high as 1.25 and as low as 2.75. As the math became more complicated, I found it hard to keep up but was able to get by thanks to reference books at the library for problem sets and this one website that helped me in my math subjects.
That website is is a website designed for engineering students to learn the core engineering math, equipped with a library of board exam problems dating as early as May 1995. Subjects covered are College Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, Plane Geometry, Differential Calculus, and Engineering Mechanics.
Although it is focused in math, the platform is supplemented with problems in major subjects of civil engineering like hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and construction.
According to the website, is owned and moderated by Mr Romel Verterra, an instructor at Review Innovations who finished his civil engineering degree at Leyte Institute of Technology, now Eastern Visayas State University. Known as Sir Vert, he established the website back in 2007 as part of his advocacy to provide free and accessible learning materials. Now, he is teaching in the review center full time, handling Mathematics, Strength of Materials, and Theory of Structures, which are also the core subjects of

I was able to maximize the use of whenever there was homework given by my teachers under any mathematics subject, including our major subjects Strength of Materials and Structural Theory. I would always go to the said website to check if there is an exact, same problem there so I only need to copy the solution from the internet.
There are instances that not the same problem is given but there is a similar one provided by For such, it would be easier to solve since a step-by-step solution is shown which can be used as a guide in forming the answer to the homework.
I considered this as a simple hack back then especially if the teacher doesn’t know that exists. You may be able to do the same in your studies.
Check out!
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